All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby

Today My little girl turned 6.  I started the day waking up Brooklynn by laying with her saying "Happy Birthday Brooklynn".  She said "Happy Birthday".  I laughed and said, it's not my birthday, it's your birthday.

Her response... "I was talking to myself".  She is so funny.

We took her to Applebees for dinner (the only restaurant in town that we knew would sign to her).  In the middle of dinner they sang to a girl at a table near ours, this freaked her out.  The remainder of the time she spent  stressed deciding if it was worth having them sing to her just to get dessert.  She opted on the song and dessert.

Sunday School...

I wasn’t sure how the kids were going to take to Sunday school. I knew how I was going to get them there, it was just going to be put into the schedule and they were going to see it as part of what we did (when we walk into church, Brooklynn says “they are singing for God” or “they are praying for God”) so in her way she gets it.

Brooklynn loves Sunday school, the getting dressed and going doesn’t always thrill her, but once she’s there, she listens and participates and she has come home with stories proving that she is listening and paying attention. What a great feeling.

This picture captures Brooklynn's last project:

“Mom, Jesus went to Heaven and met angels and then came back!!! It happened on Easter.” They have Brooklynn all figured out, tie it with a craft and a song and she will enjoy it and remember it!

Owen on the other had would rather sit with me in the big church… we will figure this out.