All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Behavior Stamp

Each day of first grade Owen's teacher stamps and sends home a calendar that lets us know that Owen has followed his schedule and behaved.  No stamp means Owen didn't behave...

We set a rule at the beginning of the year that if Owen didn't bring home a stamp he didn't get to play any of his games. No Wii, No DS, No computer.  This punishment was meant to be the deterrent of all deterrents.  One day without his beloved games and he should fall in line.  For the most part it has worked.

This past week was a bad week for Owen.  No stamp two days in a row.  This was the first time this has ever happened so I felt that something had to happen.  Not just the "standard".  So I came up with sentences.   (His solution was to take a day off).

I made him write "I will follow teacher directions" 20 times.  It took him nearly an hour.

In addition to the sentences Owen had to apologize to his teacher.  I followed up with her and her response was:

Owen had a much better day today! He did come in this morning and apologize. I know that writing those sentences must have been hard for him. Thanks for your support at home and helping him understand that his actions have consequences. He has come so far this year! He mentioned his "break day" as the field trip May 6th a few times today. 

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