All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

In preparing for the first day of school the kids had homework we completed last night, (yep before school ever started). But it was an easy worksheet about themselves. Owen’s was HILARIOUS. He had to complete the sentences.

     •Other people like me because I’m nice.

     •I like me because of my invisible tail. WHAT?

     •When I grow up I want to be a miner. Then he commented that he will need a pick ax too… again, WHAT?

He cracks me up.

So today was the first day….

I put on ‘em on the bus and as tradition would have it I drove myself to school and waited for the bus so that I could walk them to class. It is nice to see them get to class safely on their first day. It puts me at ease and I like tradition (I remember the small rituals from my childhood and I want my kids to have the same types of memories).

Brooklynn got off the bus and quickly told me she could walk herself. Rude….. Owen on the other hand was willing to let me walk him to class (he will be my favorite child for the whole day) He led us down the first grade hallway to Mrs. Jones class (his teacher from last year) he gave her a hug and then cut thru her class to the second grade hallway (this was something she suggested on Meet the Teacher Night. (he apparently liked the idea, because he was leading me… hopefully she on board permanently because he doesn’t change routines easily).

I took his picture in front of his classroom and then I looped back and got a picture of Brooklynn with her teacher.

The end of the day... I picked the kids up at school (they are in the afer school program),  and the stories started pooring out of them.  They both had great days.  The big deal of the (mom mistake 100 for the day) I told both kids to bring home anything in thier lunches that they didn't eat.  The thought process behind it was so I knew what they were eating, BUT Owen didn't drink all of his Gatorade so he put it back in his lunch bag and it spilled all over everything in his backpack, I have 30 pages from his binder on his first day of school hung with clothes pins in an attempt to dry it for school tomorrow. RESCUE WORK!

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