All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to the Routine...

Clearly I’ve taken the summer off. We have had a busy summer with vacations and activities.

Cabo San Lucas ---- We had a week long trip to Cabo San Lucas , Mexico . Very fun, Mamaw and Papaw went with us. Me & Owen parasailed together and Mamaw went too. We were all so brave. Owen is so funny. Before we ever left for Mexico we showed him pictures of parasailing making sure he was up for it, he said he was. He hopped into the harness, no issues. He waited until we were halfway up (300 feet over the Sea of Cortez ) before he informed me that he was (his exact words) “slightly afraid of heights”. Brooklynn was her usual self, a social butterfly, having never met a stranger; I don’t know where she gets it (wink, wink). She is such a funny girl. She never really ventured over the wall of the baby pool (which was the deciding factor in Donn and I enrolling the kids in swim lessons later in the summer). The trip was great, a little cooler then normal, but the FOOD!!! We are already planning next years trip.

Jazz Party ---- The next trip was just Donn & me. We flew to California to attend the Annual Johnson Jazz Party… Always fun. I of course get the added benefit of seeing all of my family. I get shopping with my sister & mom... meals with my dad…hanging out with my brother and nephews… it is a weekend of bliss that reminds me what I am missing. Bittersweet.

Girl Scout Camp ---- I guess you know you had a good time if you were too busy having the fun to take pictures. I had zero expectations (truth be told I was skeptical) but I had the most amazing time. Brooklynn & I spent 2 nights and three days at Camp Tuckaho . I was a camp counselor in Tuck East and she was a camper in Sacagawea (yep, we were not together). It was such a great experience; Brooklynn was such an independent little girl. We saw each other at meals and at the All-Camp Fire at night, but other then that she was on her own. No –“mom” tuck in. She lost her first tooth at camp. The counselors took care of it, contacting the tooth fairy and everything… I was really impressed with the little girls in my group (ages 7-12) – 20 of them. My favorite part … canoeing. I don’t think I will need to back with her next time, but I think this will be an annual trip for Brooklynn. She cried when she had to leave.

Swim Lessons ---- The need for all kids to swim lessons is crucial (in my opinion) but Brooklynn it is even more critical because of her intense fear of water. Originally Brooklynn was on the waiting list and only Owen was going to take lessons but I figured it was worth a try to take her and see if there was a “no-show”. Sure enough, she got in. Since she was third on the waiting list, I’m lucky that more people didn’t have the same idea. Swim lessons were four nights a week for two weeks. Their teachers were very well suited their personalities; patient when necessary but still insistent that they try the skill. The first five minutes of the first night Brooklynn sobbed, not wanting to get into the water then everything was sunshine and rainbows “I love swim lessons”. This ended quickly and the remaining classes where torture and tears, Brooklynn never putting her face in the water on her own. Her teacher would hold her and dunk her in the water (with her so it didn’t seem so mean). I watched Brooklynn on the last day I could still see the complete panic in within her at the idea of putting her face in the water. It made me sad to know that she has a guinene understanding on what it is like to go without breath. I wish I could take that memory away from her. My best hope is to help her overcome it. Owen was his challenging self (in a good way) He stood on the high dive “wanting to overcome his fear”. On his fourth trip up without ever jumping off, I followed him up (it is higher then I remember --- I was a little scared) I dropped him off the end to his teachers waiting arms. BOY WAS HE MAD!!! I clapped and praised him, and said, “but you overcame your fear” his response --- “No, you did it”. Only Owen would deduct credit from himself since he didn’t jump of his own free will. I asked him how it was and he said “It was intense”. I just love ‘em.

Back to School ---- So we are headed back to school. Both kids are ready, Brooklynn is excited. Supplies are purchased…. Meet the teacher night is tomorrow… Cross your fingers and hope that the beginning of the year starts smoothly…

1 comment:

  1. Jennie learned to swim when she was three. It was pain and tears too. One thing that worked really well for her in the "off time" was giving her a pair of goggles to play with in the bath tub. It kept up that practice of having your face in the water. We also kept her swimming over the winter. So, maybe look for an indoor option in your area.
