All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Talked to the Girl...

The day after I talked to Owen, Brooklynn asked me why I was still wearing the bracelet.  We were in the car (just me & Brooklynn) and the conversation when something like this:

Brooklynn: Why are you still wearing that bracelet?
Me: Because it's Autism Awareness Month.  Do you know what Autism is?
Brooklynn: No
Me: Autism is a disorder.
Brooklynn: What's a disorder?
Me: Well, you know how some people have brown hair and some people have black hair, and some people are tall and some are short? Some people have Autism, it just makes them different.  And Owen has a type of Autism.
Brooklynn: Then why do I need a bracelet?

Okay.... this is Brooklynn saying, these bracelets aren't in support of a cause, but a way to tag people with Autism to let others know they are different.  SHEESH!!!

Me: Because you love Owen and want to support him.
Brooklynn: Oh.

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