All you've got is all you can give and that will ALWAYS be enough.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How I Compensate

To explain… With Owen having aspergers I give him a different type of attention then I do Brooklynn. You would think me knowing that I do it would be enough for me to rectify the situation. It isn’t. Owen doesn’t have that much say (what he does say if usually fascinating or hilarious). But getting words out of him usually takes some work. I sit with him and ask him questions giving him my full, undivided attention, asking him probing questions, showering him with attention. Brooklynn sits back and watches this show of attention and (I assume) thinks “WHAT? Why don’t I get that kind of attention?”

Don’t think she’s starved for attention. She is far from it. I spend more time with Brooklynn then I do with anyone else. We do pretty much everything together, I don’t even get to take a trip to the restroom alone these days. We do things together, but it’s different.

Each night at dinner when we ask Owen “what did you do today?” Brooklynn says, “Ask me first”. So there is obviously an issue…

When I was little my mom told me that of course you love your kids differently, your kids are different. But you love them the same amount. I now completely understand and have no idea what to do about it.

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